Two Catholic friends expecting babies within weeks of each other share the similarities and differences in their journeys.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Cat's Out of the Bag - Kathryn

Keeping the secret of our first pregnancy was not an easy task! From the day we found out, the number of people we told grew exponentially day-by-day, no matter how we tried to keep the secret. After getting married in December, we really weren’t anticipating having a baby right away. We knew it was a possibility – as do all couples using NFP – but for some reason I thought we’d have trouble getting pregnant. In fact, about a month after we got married, I was about to make an appointment with my doctor about my irregular cycles. Before calling the doctor I decided I should take a pregnancy test, since the first question anyone would ask upon hearing that I hadn’t had a period for months would be “are you pregnant?” We just wanted to rule that possibility out. So, when that pregnancy test came back positive, I cant express the shock and fear we experienced! I’m almost ashamed to admit that neither of us reacted immediately with joy. An unplanned pregnancy has got to be the scariest and most overwhelming feeling in the world (even in marriage). It took us about 30 minutes of not knowing what to do, followed by some tears and some prayer, for us to really start to realize what a blessing we had received. From that moment on we’ve felt nothing but joy… Ok, and a little bit of fear, too.

Following the 30 minutes of overwhelming shock (and trip to the drugstore for a second test) we were so filled with joy and excitement that we were just bursting to share the good news. Unfortunately, as a new teacher, it was important for us to try and keep the news off of Facebook and out of my schools until I was out of my first trimester (and done this school year with a job for the next, if possible!) That day we told we our parents and all of our brothers and sisters. It was only two days before my two best friends heard the good news, followed by several other close friends. My sister started to ask me at the end of each day how maybe people I had told that day –it became a bit of a running joke that so many people knew our “secret”. (The number grew every single day). What shocked me the most was that almost each and every person we told reacted with real shock. I was pleasantly surprised by the integrity of my friends and by how few of them had spread the news!

The day my bosses found out was, coincidentally, the day I started my 14th week. It all started one seemingly ordinary Wednesday morning. As I was out on morning yard duty, I got hit in the back of the head with a soccer ball. As a former athlete, who has broken several bones without shedding a tear, and who prided herself on showing as little emotion in public as possible, I was slightly shocked and extremely embarrassed when I started to cry. Thankfully I was wearing sunglasses, but a few students did notice… which only made things worse! I eventually went to my Vice-Principal and broke down. I sobbed and sobbed, although I was in almost no pain at all. I couldn’t explain why I was so emotional about such a stupid thing, but she had her suspicions. It was the next day, as I told the story to my other Vice Principal (I teach at two different schools), that my secret was revealed. This woman knows me pretty well, so when she heard how much getting hit with a ball made me cry she declared immediately “you’re pregnant!” I never could tell a lie, so that was that! Once she knew I went immediately and told the other administrators. I was relieved to discover that they were all as excited as I was, as well as very supportive, and reassuring about my fears for the upcoming school year.

Now that the cat’s out of the bag, I’m DYING to start showing, and to tell EVERYONE I meet. I’m not sure why I had so much fear and doubt in the beginning months. Looking back, I know this is just another lesson in the lifelong journey that God has been bringing me on my whole: a journey of learning to Trust and rely on Him.

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