Two Catholic friends expecting babies within weeks of each other share the similarities and differences in their journeys.

Friday 27 July 2012

Friday Top Five - To Do Lists!

Almost on the home stretch!
With only ten and twelve weeks to go, there is lots to do before our babies arrive!  Here are the top five things for each of us:


With less than 3 months to go, there is still a lot that needs to get done before the baby arrives. Here’s our my top 5 list of what I need (or want) to do before the due date:

1. Set up the crib – we were lucky enough to have been given a crib from my cousin. The problem? It’s not assembled, and we don’t have the instructions. We’re supposed to be getting a copy of them soon, but since we’re still waiting, the crib is still sitting unassembled in the baby’s room

2. Stock up on supplies (clothes, blankets, diapers, wipes etc) – This being our first baby we pretty much need everything. We’ve starting buying diapers (a box every pay day in hopes that it’ll alleviate some financial stress when I’m on Mat leave) and have been receiving a few gifts, but we still need a LOT! We do have a couple of baby showers coming up, and my husband will be having a diaper party, which will help a lot.

3. Go on vacation – we’re going away for the long weekend as one last getaway as husband and wife before the baby comes. We’re looking forward to having some time together with just the two of us, even if it’s just for a few days.

4. Pick names – a daunting task! I’m finding it very stressful to choose a name and while we have a short list of both boys and girls names, decided on one of each has been near impossible!

5. Sell a car – Now that my husband is working in the city and with my salary soon being cut in half, we’ve decided that that best way to save some money is to get rid of one of our cars. It’s going to be a sacrifice, but we’re looking forward to getting the burden of double the car payments off our backs.


Since I already had most of what I need, my to-do list mostly involves replacing things that have gotten too old, or shuffling our household around to make room for the new little one.

1. Buy a crib mattress - Both of ours are currently in use (on a toddler bed for my 3-year-old, and on a crib for my 18-month-old).

2. Buy an infant car seat - The one we had expired in January.

3. Replace the change pad on the changing table - We purchased our change table used in 2004 when I was expecting my first, and the poor little pad has definitely seen its day.  The problem is that it is smaller than the average changing table, meaning we can't just walk into Toys-R-Us and pick one up (I've tried!)  I think it's around the size of a bassinette mattress though, so I plan to do some online investigation to see if I can purchase one of those (Toys-R-Us doesn't sell them in their store).

4.  Move my current baby downstairs and vacate the nursery - I set the toddler bed up in my daughter's room downstairs a few weeks ago, and was delighted to discover there was more space than I thought there would be.  Now we are just waiting for fall to make the official move, since I want daylight savings on my side (pretty sure it's going to be a rough battle getting these two to sleep instead of play when I put them to bed in the same room).  Our current goal is September, when school starts, to give plenty of time for adjusting to the changes before baby arrives.  I hope it gets dark early enough by then!

5.  Go on a date with my husband - Several, if possible, but if I manage to squeeze in even one I'll be happy.  It would be nice to get away for a weekend, since I remember our last weekend away with my current baby when he was four months old was pretty disastrous (a normally content little boy, he was really fussy the whole time, pretty much confining me to the hotel room while my husband and his brother explored the sights without us).  As a nursing mother I rarely leave my little one overnight in the first year (though I know other mothers who do, I just find the hassel of pumping and storing milk almost as difficult as just bringing the little one along).  If we can't, we can't - but still, a little getaway would be nice.  And a date is an absolute must!

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